Growing media sector presents ambitious agenda for the future
With this policy agenda, the VPN has presented an ambitious agenda for the future. The substrate sector is committed to continuous improvement regarding the quality, safety and sustainability of substrates and sets ambitious goals for this. During the members meeting of the VPN on June 18, a first copy of “A strong, indispensable basis” was presented by chairman Ted Vollebregt to Member of Parliament Arne Weverling (VVD).
To further shape and substantiate the ambitions in the field of sustainability and transparency, the VPN contributes to the development of a European LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) for substrates. The LCA examines the sustainability effects for the entire life cycle of a substrate. This LCA provides the companies in the sector with reliable information so that substantiated choices can be made in the composition of substrates.
The sector has formulated ambitions for mineral wool for take-back and reuse. The ambition for the Netherlands is at least 90% reuse. It has also been reconfirmed not to extract basalt from quarries in protected nature reserves.
During the presentation, Arne Weverling indicated that the potting soil and substrate sector should expose itself more: “People do not realize that cultivation of vegetables, flowers and plants is possible without potting soil. These natural products are an indispensable basis for healthy and sustainable cultivation”. “With such an ambitious and well-founded agenda, the substrate sector can openly discuss the future of a beautiful international and innovative sector with policy makers, politicians and NGOs in The Hague and Brussels” says Arne Weverling.
About VPN
The VPN represents approximately 20 innovative companies that are global players in innovation and product development. The members of the VPN are jointly responsible for approximately 98% of the substrates produced in the Netherlands. On an annual basis, approximately 7 million m3 of substrate is produced, representing a turnover of approximately € 400 million.
Download the policy agenda: ‘A strong, indispensable basis” (Dutch only)