Grodan offers a crop-specific range of substrate slabs for vegetable growing, specifically for tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper and aubergine crops.
From large, loose tomatoes to a wide range of vine tomatoes.We offer the right slab choice for each variety or growing strategy.
Different varieties and cultivation methods require different cultivation and irrigation strategies. We have the perfect solution!
We developed slab-specific solutions aimed at earlier production, vigorous growth and excellent fruit quality!
Grodan offers the right selection of slabs to optimally steer a strong-growing eggplant crop!
Hydroponically grown greens meet rising demand for healthy, sustainable options. Leafy greens and herbs, like lettuce and basil, are popular choices.
Vertical farms are a very promising and sustainable solution to the growing needs for healthy, local foods in (over)populated urban areas.
The use of stone wool substrate offers many advantages. Thanks to the controlled manufacturing process, this growth medium is of a consistently high quality. The sterile production under extreme temperature ensures that the product is clean and sterile. Its unique hydrophilic fibre also makes the cultivation on stone wool substrate very easy to control. The grower can administer the amount of water and nutrients the crops need in a very directed and controlled manner, to achieve optimal growing results. Waste becomes a thing of the past. Efficient use of water and nutrients keeps yield per square metre high, and energy consumption per unit of product low. Additionally, the product is lightweight, making it easy to use. And last but not least, stone wool can be easily re-used. To sum up, it is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly product.
Do you want to learn more about Grodan? Feel free to sign up to our newsletter. Grodan ensures that growers can make optimum use of its products and services by interpretting the company’s knowledge of and experience with substrate cultivation in terms of up-to-date, crop-oriented advice. Ranging from tailor-made advice from crop consultants to newsletters, seminars and training courses and articles in trade journals.
We are a global leader in the supply of innovative stone wool substrate solutions for the professional horticultural based on Precision Growing principles.