Cucumber cultivation usually takes place as two or three successive plantings per year, with the precise number depending on the grower's cultivation method and the climate zone in which they are grown.
In addition, seed producers are also developing high-yielding varieties for high-wire cultivation. Different varieties and cultivation methods require different cultivation and irrigation strategies. Grodan supplies specific products for cucumbers that are tailored to the cultivation method and choice of variety.
The best slab for vegetative and generative crop control
Grodan GT Master Dry is a stonewool substrate slab to grow vegetable plants in high tech cultivation, like tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber and eggplant.
Multi-season slab for demanding vegetable growers who want to get the most out of their crops.
What if we could grow cucumbers all year round? At the moment, many cucumbers are still imported from southern countries during the winter months. But the demand for local, reliable production of fruit and vegetables has grown in recent years.
Case Studies
Erik Zwinkels about Grodan Elite
Erik Zwinkels manages 20 ha of greenhouses for Zwinkels Tomaten, a family-run company in Holland's Westland region.
Julien Helies, a tomato grower in Brittany, embraced Grodan Prestige slabs after a successful trial in 2016. It helps control winter vegetative growth.
The opportunities of indoor strawberry cultivation
Global strawberry cultivation is at a turning point. Growers are faced with sharp cost increases, while they also need to continue to guarantee high quality and consistent products, as consumers demand healthy, fresh fruits throughout the year. That is why commercial strawberry propagators and growers are constantly looking for ways to optimise their growth strategy, maximise their yields and minimise their costs.
A recent trial by Grodan has demonstrated that strawberries can be propagated and cultivated on a stone wool substrate while maintaining high quality and attractive fruit size. Additionally, the yields and Brix values were higher than with traditional methods.
Data science and AI technologies present us with so many opportunities to collect and mine data in the greenhouse. This paper will help you begin your journey to get the best out of your greenhouse data. There’s a bright future ahead!
High-tech greenhouse horticulture is preparing for a new, global transition to data-driven growing practices. In Horticulture 4.0, countless sensors and measuring systems collect a constant flow of data on growth conditions and the functioning of crops, from both visible parts of the plants as well as in the root zone environment. These multiple data flows and their correlation are analysed centrally and translated real-time into setpoints using sophisticated growth models and smart, self-learning software. The recommendations can be used to maximise the expected operating results. This is the ultimate form of Precision Growing.
In today’s conditions, growing crops can be likened to performing sport at elite level. Green fingers and a passion for growing no longer guarantee good operating results. The goalposts are constantly being shifted. Stringent environmental regulations and legislation, excessive demands placed by customers, fierce competition and small margins force growers to maximise the potential of their crops efficiently and sustainably. At the same time, the continuing trend of upscaling, the tight labour market (smaller pool of available labour) and dwindling numbers of experienced crop managers (vanishing expertise) are all obstacles along the path of achieving business continuity and success. Not just today, but also tomorrow and in the years ahead.
Monitoring nutrient balance, pH & EC in the root zone
The composition of the nutrient solution should be appropriate to the needs of the crop. One of the benefits of using Grodan stone wool substrates is that the nutrient composition is under total control of growers. However the uptake of particular nutrients varies constantly with growth and fruit load therefore the nutrient balance, pH and EC in the root zone is also constantly changing.
Steering and control of EC and WC in the slab under summer conditions
How does one optimise the slab EC and WC? As the longest day approaches, keeping the slab and the crop in the proper ‘rhythm’ is necessary for peak production and fruit quality under the most stressful and demanding period of the year.
Making informed decisions in respect to water and EC management
How to fine tune the irrigation strategy during spring & summer to avoid costly mistakes using tools such as the Grodan GroSens system and the graphics function of the climate computer.
Starting a new crop is always an interesting time of year. It’s an eagerly awaited fresh start however some decisions and actions we make now can have a big impact later in the cultivation.
Have you ever wondered why at certain times of the year tomato crops are more susceptible to fruit quality disorders? For the most common physiological disorders namely blossom end rot (BER) and uneven colour (blotchy ripening) this whitepaper explains their cause and prescribes simple solutions to avoid / minimise risk of symptom expression in the first place.
Irrigating in changing weather conditions with minimal drain volumes
The volume of irrigation water applied per square meter is linked to radiation sum as a general rule in the ratio 3.0 ml per joule. The exact figure will ultimately depend on outside weather influences such as wind speed, humidity as well as the greenhouse vent position. The question is whether this total drain volume is necessary or not? So what is the role of drain and what is a sufficient volume of the drain?
Maintaining a good nutrient balance along with a well-executed irrigation strategy can help to avoid many of the common fruit quality disorders which are experienced over summer. Standard feed recipes are available from all analytical laboratories and it is important that you take samples of water from within the slab on a regular basis so that the feed solution can be adjusted in order to maintain the correct nutrient ratios throughout the summer.
Optimizing nutrition to minimize fruit quality disorders
Maintaining a good nutrient balance in the root zone can help avoid many common fruit quality disorders. Standard feed recipes are available from all analytical laboratories and with a regular analysis of the root zone solution the feed solution can be adjusted so that optimum nutrient ratios are maintained.
Hydroponic lettuce and other leafy greens will soon start to dominate sales at supermarkets and chain restaurants. With up to 12 times the number of crops a year than from open fields and twice the crop density, no other production method can compete. Production environments must however be clean. Stone wool is both clean and inert, making it ideal for producing hydroponic lettuce and other leafy greens.
Looking for more information on GroSens 2.2, click here for more information and to download valuable content
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Learn more about Sustainability
Growing media and the efficient use of nutrients
One of the 15 global challenges formulated by the Millenium project is “How can population growth and resources be brought into balance?“ One aspect of this challenge is improving the use efficiency of the global resources e.g. nutrients. These nutrients are just as important to agriculture as water.
How growing media have an impact on feeding a growing population
World population is expected to grow another 1 billion in just 12 years, and reaching 9 billion people in 2050, creating unprecedented demand for food, and hence agricultural land. To keep up with population and economic growth, food production should increase by 70% by 2050.
Water scarcity is one of the global challenges. The problem of water scarcity is a growing one. Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century. Food and agriculture are the largest consumers of water. As more people put ever increasing demands on limited supplies, the cost and effort to build or even maintain access to water will increase.
Grodan experiments with recycled plastic in foils: 'Quality is guaranteed.'
Grodan has been working on various recycling trials for several years, an important step when it comes to sustainability. What are the benefits for growers when we use recycled materials in our products, how exactly does it work, and what is involved?
How soilless growing has an effect on less water pollution
One of the 15 global challenges defined by the Millenium project is ‘clean water’. The UN-water (2010) statement contains the following text: “As a global community, we must refocus our attention on improving and preserving the quality of our water, a challenge that requires bold steps internationally, nationally, and locally. Directing global priorities, funding, and policies to improve water quality can ensure that our water resources can once again become a source of life.
We are a global leader in the supply of innovative stone wool substrate solutions for the professional horticultural based on Precision Growing principles.