Want to know how Grodan can help you with recycling? Select the city closest to you to find out more.
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Grodan has worked with the leading agricultural recycling solutions supplier for the past 5 years. Each year Grodan collaborates in the recycling of 3,000 to 5,000 tons of stonewool into compost
ContactGrodan works with one of the largest commercial recycling organizations in California that oversees 250,000 customers. The recycler can arrange shipment or accept the material to its site where the mineral wool is processed into an industrial bedding to fight erosion. To find out how you can join this network contact below.
ContactGrodan has partnered with a leading compost supplier and processing facility. The recycling facility accepts the mineral wool on-site where it is processed and combined with other raw feedstocks to create a finished compost.
ContactGrodan has partnered with one of the leading agricultural recycling service providers in all of Canada. This partnership has been performing recycling services for Grodan mineral wool customers the past three years recycling thousands of tons of mineral wool per year into compost.
ContactGrodan is proud to work with the leading compost recycling service provider in the San Jacinto Valley. Grodan mineral wool is accepted at their processing facility where the mineral wool is combined with other incoming feedstocks to create a moisture rich finished compost.
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Here at Grodan, we are driven to leverage the advantages of hydroponic growing with our sustainable stonewool substrate to support knowledgeable farmers to grow more healthy produce and medicine using less resources. Presently, over 70% of all freshwater resources worldwide are consumed by agriculture, combined with the demands of a growing population who will need food and urban land. All of which is putting an enormous strain on our earth’s natural resources. Innovative technologies and products will have to meet the critical challenge to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, reduce consumption of our natural resources, and reduce our food’s environmental impact across its entire supply chain.
As part of our commitment to the circular economy, Grodan has built a network of partnerships and collaboration agreements with leading recycling organizations in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Grodan offers recycling services to over 62% of its product consumers across the globe and with the help of our loyal customers, we recycle thousands of tons of stonewool every year - achieving a 45% recycling rate! That’s like recycling enough substrate every year to completely cover all of Spain and Portugal. If Grodan was a country, it would be one of the most successful recycling countries in the world.
As we continue to grow our recycling options for stonewool consumers, our aim is to achieve a 65% recycling rate in the next 3 years! Achieving that will make Grodan stonewool one of the most effectively recycled products in the world.
The ratio for how much material we sold to how much product was recycled.
How many direct Grodan customers are offered recycling solutions for their mineral wool in their local markets.
Grodan is proud to work with Walker Environmental to create new recycling markets for Grodan’s rockwool growing medium. Grodan and Walker Environmental have worked together since 2018 to offer growers in the Toronto and Niagara regions turnkey recycling solutions where the Grodan mineral wool is processed (removed all contaminants), treated, and turned into compost. Since 2018, Grodan has overseen over 10,000 tons recycled with Walker and used for new products.
Walker Environmental operates the most advanced aerobic processing facilities within the province. At these sites, the Grodan mineral wool is debagged and then shredded to a particle size that facilitates the compost system. Once properly shredded and processed the granulate is mixed with alternative source separated organics and composted according to Ontario compost quality regulations in Walkers GORE composting system. The composting process is critical to ensure that any plant pathogens present are fully treated by the high temperatures of the composting process.
The resulting product is a high demand potting mix used by floriculturists throughout Ontario.
Want to Know more: Contact your local account manager to connect you and your waste hauler to begin recycling now!
GRODAN is growing fast in the Russian market and with such an expanding market, Grodan has made it a priority to offer commercial recycling opportunities for its customers.
As the Russian government is looking for solutions to prevent the overflow of landfills; GRODAN has worked with local governments, customers, and recyclers to answer the challenge. Throughout 2020 and 2021, GRODAN has conducted numerous re-manufacturing trials at the ROCKWOOL manufacturing sites. Commercial scale pilots with full truckloads of substrate were conducted in Vyborg in the Saint Petersburg region. These successful pilots were not only proven to be an effective measure in diverting precious materials from the landfills but were used as a feedstock to create NEW GRODAN MINERAL WOOL and reduced natural resource consumption for virgin products. These pilots will continue as GRODAN aims to build and expand the circular economy in Russia and across the globe.
A new year has begun! Although we may have taken off for the holiday season our recycling collections have kept rolling as we are smack dab in the middle of our used-substrate collection season.
As you all probably have noticed, COVID 19 has had disastrous effects on the global supply chain. In the waste and recycling industries there have been no exceptions. Initially, it seemed our recycling network may have a capacity shortage due to limited operations these past two years. Storage space, transportation capacities, and material allowance have been a premium.
Together, with our local recycling partners, we have increased material storage space, increased material processing capacity, and doubled outlet capacity so the material can be recycled. These efforts have insured that recycling services continue to run smoothly for our European consumers and insure intake for the rest of the 2021/22 season.
With this message we want to thank our partners for their unbelievable effort.
Tom Vitters
A new year has begun! Although we may have taken off for the holiday season our recycling collections have kept rolling as we are smack dab in the middle of our used-substrate collection season.
As you all probably have noticed, COVID 19 has had disastrous effects on the global supply chain. In the waste and recycling industries there have been no exceptions. Initially, it seemed our recycling network may have a capacity shortage due to limited operations these past two years. Storage space, transportation capacities, and material allowance have been a premium.
Together, with our local recycling partners, we have increased material storage space, increased material processing capacity, and doubled outlet capacity so the material can be recycled. These efforts have insured that recycling services continue to run smoothly for our European consumers and insure intake for the rest of the 2021/22 season.
With this message we want to thank our partners for their unbelievable effort.
Tom Vitters