The sowing process

Sowing the seeds in the plugs is a precise process in which it is very important that the seeds are centred in the middle, at an equal depth in the plugs. They then have the largest volume of water available after germination, and they have the largest possible volume of stone wool to grow in.

For plugs with a sunken seedling pit, it is important that the seeds are at the bottom of the pit, so that the tomato rootstock, for example, anchors itself nicely and stably.

The central location of the seeds increases the emergence rate and uniformity of the whole lot.

Plantop NG2.0 Funnel Plug Tray


The amount of vermiculite sprinkled on the seeds of various Crop plants is not always the same. The differences between rootstock and sweet peppers, for example, are obvious. With both the Grodan Pro plug and the Grodan Plantop Plug, due to the good central location of the seeds, there is a similar layer of vermiculite on all seeds in the tray. This ensures the same germination conditions for all seeds, allowing rooting and growth to be as uniform as possible. All these aspects ultimately clearly promote uniformity in a batch of plants.

Vermiculite on kiemplugs

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Joost Haenen

Joost Haenen

Business Support,