Technology and Innovation helping you to accelerate in propagation – Grodan video series

The future of horticulture and how technologies have key role in this inspired Grodan to create videos to promote propagators' engagement and learning. Working with our partners can help all of us in achieving our aim of delivering state of the art products and services that lead to the greatest results for growers and propagators.

Every chain is as strong as the weakest link, so it is important that we collaborate in bringing the right solutions. We are all part of the same vegetable chain - Peter Vredenbregt from BASF Vegetable Seeds

Curious to see innovations & new technologies in action?

We created a series of 7 videos that explain how successful propagation is dependent on a multitude of elements. The participants of these videos talk about their specialties and how they contribute to propagation.

  • Frans-Peter Dechering from Corvus Drones presents how drones can contribute to greater efficiency in propagation.
  • Gert-Jan Goes from Fluence presents LED solutions for propagators.
  • Raymond van den Berg from ISO Group introduces how robotization in propagation can help the grower work efficiently.
  • Martin Zuijderwijk from Biobest introduces new advances in biocontrol for plant propagators.
  • Peter Vredenbregt from BASF Vegetable Seeds talks about the steps to seed excellence for high-tech greenhouses.
  • Sven van Heijningen introduces the innovative technology from Alcomij for climate uniformity in propagation.
  • Thomas Peters from Grodan guides us in Genson, who has adopted strawberry propagation on stone wool.

All episodes are recorded in English apart from the "strawberry" episode, which is recorded in Dutch. All videos are accompanied by English subtitles.


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Thomas Peters from Grodan guides us in Genson, who has adopted strawberry propagation on stone wool

Together with industry partners Grodan created a series of inspiring videos showing how successful propagation is dependent on a multitude of elements. In this video Thomas Peters visits our partner Genson Group where Thijs van Doorn talks about strawberries propagation on stone wool substrates. Watch it here.

Watch the other episodes

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Raymond van den Berg from ISO Group introduces how robotization in propagation can help the grower work efficiently

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Martin Zuijderwijk from Biobest introduces new advances in biocontrol for plant propagators

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Peter Vredenbregt from BASF Vegetable Seeds talks about the steps to seed excellence for high-tech greenhouses

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Gert-Jan Goes from Fluence presents LED solutions for propagators

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Sven van Heijningen introduces the innovative technology from Alcomij for climate uniformity in propagation

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Frans-Peter Dechering from Corvus Drones presents how drones can contribute to greater efficiency in propagation

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